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FELIX ALFONSO CASTILLO: 2nd Son of Juan Sebastian Castillo. Younger brother to Javier Felipe Castillo (Jinx). The Castillo dynasty is a distant bloodline to the famous Spanish Castile Monarchy. Felix considers himself royalty; A true King without a castle, due to past trauma with his brother Jinx. He lives a strange fantasy through The Perch society which he conjured and built with the help of unlikely friend and business partner Greg Ryan. Felix is every bit as suave and pragmatic as he is scary and demanding. He served 15 years in prison for he and Greg’s crimes, solely taking the fall and has become a hardened man. He’s the only one who can match wits with Greg, and still has a tiny place in his heart for his old friend. Felix doesn’t trust family in general; he thinks it makes a person vulnerable and foolish in his work. He’s been burned in life figuratively and literally; His destiny stolen and his loved ones murdered. He’s on the razor's edge of throwing away anything good left in him in order to accomplish his poetic revenge against Jinx and dismantling the cartel his father built.
Actor Type: Benicio del Toro, Antonio Banderas
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